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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

E.l.f. Madness

So is it just me or is E.L.F. constantly having sales and deals. I literally get emails from e.l.f everyday telling me what new deals they have and it seems as though I always fall for it. BOGO and free shipping happen to be my favorite. So needless to say I'm telling you all of this because I fell for it again. I just got my shipment and I am excited to share what I got with you. I got 9 items that i really wanted to try.

Stippling Brush
Blush Brush
Complexion Brush
High Defintion Powder
Tone Correcting Concealer in Toffee
3 mineral eyeshadows

Let me know if you have tried any of these products and what you think?


Morgan A. said...

I love the concealer for under the eye!